Ignite. Empower. Imagine.

Dr Craig Lowery

A Time of Transition and Change

Dear Park Academy Families,

It is with sadness that I write to inform our community that after four incredibly impactful years at Park Academy, Dr. Mary Mollway will be leaving at the end of this school year. Mary is going to take this opportunity to focus on her health and wellbeing. I remember the first phone call I had with Mary on a cold February day sitting in a car parking lot waiting for my kids to finish swim practice. Our conversation was passionate and it was clear that our views aligned in incredible ways as we discussed the world of possibility here at Park Academy. Mary must have felt the same way because two months later she was packing her things and on her way to become part of all of our students’, teachers’, and parents’ lives.

During her time here Mary helped improve the professionalism and legitimacy of the Park Academy reading program. She utilized her keen ability and incredible intellect to help evaluate and improve systems throughout the program and most importantly, she approached each and every one of our students with a sense of determination, urgency, and passion that helped students grow in ways that many did not think was possible. It is her philosophy that every problem has a lock and every lock has a key. I have yet to see a lock that could out-stubborn her determination to improve student outcomes!

Here is the good news. Mary will still be with us through the end of June. She will continue to pour her heart and mind into helping our students and she is leaving this program better than when she arrived. We have an amazing, intelligent, and dedicated staff ready to pick up the torch. She leaves us having helped build a foundation that is ripe for new perspectives and leadership skills that can help us continue to improve and expand an already incredible program. Soon you will receive information about our search for a new Associate Director and Reading Specialist. We are confident that Park Academy will be an attractive opportunity for a talented professional looking to be a part of our amazing learning community.

Now is the time to reflect fondly on history that has brought us to this position and look to the future with excitement and hope.


Craig Lowery, Ed.D.

Head of School

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