High School

Park Academy has a seventeen-year history of serving students with dyslexia and other learning differences.  There has always been a slight difference in our elementary/middle school students’ profiles and our high school students’ profiles.  Our elementary and middle school students often present with dyslexia as their main challenge, while our high school students struggle primarily with executive functioning skills and […]
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This past summer, three Park Academy high school students participated in the Northwest Youth Service Corp.  Each of them was sent to various locations along the Pacific Northwest to help remove invasive species, build trails and remove undergrowth/brush.  This is HARD work.  Their time in the woods ranged from 4-6 weeks with 8-12 youth from all over the Northwest.  This […]
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By Craig Lowery, Head of School In the midst of “application season” this is an important question, and while it seems like it might be obvious, I find myself thinking and talking about this question regularly. A week doesn’t go by that I don’t receive an email or phone call with someone who says “My student doesn’t have dyslexia so would […]
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