Ignite. Empower. Imagine.

Chris Morrison

Chris Morrison

Mr. Morrison teaches high school history and middle school social studies. He has been at Park Academy for seventeen years. Chris grew up in a variety of places, including Chicago, southern California, and Arizona. He attended the University of California Santa Barbara, Marymount Palos Verdes, and graduated from the University of Arizona where he completed his student teaching in secondary education.

This is Mr. Morrison’s thirty-fourth year working with children and his twentieth employed as a full-time classroom teacher. He has taught at Hephzibah Children’s Association in Oak Park, Illinois, The BASIS School in Tucson, Arizona, The Children’s Health Council at Stanford University, and the Gideon Hausner School in Palo Alto, California. He came to Park Academy after moving with his wife from San Francisco to Portland. He spent one year as a full-time special education teacher in the Portland Public Schools and was hired at Park the following year.

Chris loves Park Academy for several reasons, but his number one reason is the students. In his words, “the kids at Park Academy think differently, have new insightful ways of problem-solving and they employ a wonderful sense of humor when dealing with the challenges of school or life in general.”

Mr. Morrison always looks forward to graduation, as it is a celebration of a lot of hard work by the students, and by the families and supporters who have helped them navigate through this period in their life. “I enjoy seeing the students I have had the honor and privilege of teaching go out into the world and find their own new ways of beginning their new lives.”

Email: cmorrison@parkacademy.org